Saturday, January 17, 2009

Three Natural Ways To Prevent Feline Urinary Crystals

You may not know this, but if your cat is prone to feline urinary tract infection, he may have urinary crystals in cats.  Feline urinary crystals are a major cause of cat urinary problems.  Here are three natural ways you can prevent these crystals from forming in the first place.

Your Cat's Diet Is Very Important

Most people who are owned by felines are very conscientious these days about feeding their cats a diet low in magnesium.Struvie stones in cats were seen a lot more often in the 1970's and 80's.  It was found that if a cat was fed a diet high in magnesium, he was more prone to developing mineral crystals in his bladder, which often led to a feline urinary tract infection.  Cat food manufacturers changed their formulas, and everyone thought the problem was solved.

But do you know that your cat is probably chronically dehydrated if he is fed only dry food?  Since kidney failure is the leading cause of death in older cats, it makes sense to put these two things together.

Dry cat food has a very low moisture level, usually under 10%.  This is great if your only concern is to keep mold from growing on it, but if you're worried about the amount of water your cat is taking in, it's not so good. 

Cats normally don't seem to drink a lot of water.This is because an undomesticated cat gets most of his water supply from the animals he catches and eats.  Did you know a mouse is 98% water?  Canned cat food has a moisture level of around 75%.Add a litte water to it to increase the moisture level even more.

Of course, your cat should always have plenty of clean, fresh water to drink at all times.

Stress Causes Feline Urinary Crystals

Your cat will develop a certain routine.  They really don't like change at all.Stress levels in your cat will go up if you move, or add a new baby or new pet to your household, or even take him to the vet.

A stressed cat can develop many different types of health problems, including urinary crystals in cats.Your stressed cat needs extra love, reassurance, and attention from you.

Natural Remedies For Pets Can Prevent Cat Urinary Problems

Many cat owners use herbs and homeopathic remedies to treat their own ailments, so it's only natural that there would be rising interest in natural remedies for pets. 

The herbal remedies uva ursi and barberry have a long history of use for treating human bladder problems.  Homeopathic remedies used for urinary tract infections in people include Cantharis and Staphysagria.

Wouldn't it be great if you could give these safe, effective remedies to your kitty to support bladder health and prevent inflammation from urinary crystals in cats?  Well, now you can. 

There's a remedy available now that combines all four of these traditional remedies for urinary problems.  This product has been specially formulated for pets, which is a very important safety consideration.  It's made by a long-established company that has a sterling reputation for producing only the highest quality natural remedies for pets. 

So there you have it; three natural ways to prevent feline urinary crystals and support your cat's bladder health.

Friday, January 16, 2009

What You Need To Know About Urinary Crystals In Cats

If you're like me, you probably haven't thought too much about urinary crystals in cats.  But if you have a cat who's prone to cat urinary problems, you need to know more about cat bladder crystals.

Why Are Feline Urinary Crystals Important?

Even though these crystals are hard to see without a microscope, they have sharp edges which rub against the bladder walls, causing your cat's bladder to become inflamed and irritated.The inflammation causes symptoms of a feline bladder infection.

Because a male cat has a long narrow urethra, it can easily become plugged if large numbers of feline urinary crystals are present.  This is a veterinary emergency, as a cat that can't pass urine will fall victim to a fatal case of uremic poisoning within a couple of days.  Since it's hard for an owner to tell if the cat is blocked or not, it's important to have your cat examined by the vet if he has a feline urinary tract infection.

There are two main types of urinary crystals, struvite and calcium oxalate.

Struvite Crystals In Cats

Struvite crystals, which contain magnesium, ammonium, and phosphate, used to be very common in cats.  This problem was thought to be a result of a diet with high levels of magnesium.  Cat food manufacturers responded by producing diets lower in magnesium.  Cats eating this food also produce more acidic urine. This helps to prevent the formation of struvite crystals, which are still the most common type of crystal that causes feline urinary blockage.

Although this dietary change helped to lower the incidence of struvite crystals in cats, now vets are seeing calcium oxalate crystals more often.   

Why Do Some Cats Get Calcium Oxalate Crystals Instead?

Certain breeds of cats seem to have a genetic predisposition to developing calcium oxalate crystals if they're fed a diet low in magnesium.  This problem is often seen in Himalayans.If you feed these cats a diet to prevent struvite stones, you may be encouraging the formation of calcium oxalate stones instead.  

A urinalysis should always be done to identify which type of crystal is in your cat's urine.  You don't want to feed your cat a diet that will encourage his body to form feline urinary crystals.

Can Urinary Crystals In Cats Be Prevented?

Cat owners can do several things to prevent their felines from developing cat urinary problems.  The first is to feed your cat a high-quality canned food.  People don't realize that cats are meant to get most of their water from their food, which is why cats don't seem to drink much water.  

Canned food has a moisture level that's much closer to what your cat would eat in the wild.  You can also add a little water to the canned food to increase the moisture even more.It's essential that your cat always have access to plenty of clean, fresh water.

You may want to give your cat one of the many natural remedies for pets that are available now.These remedies lower his risk of developing a feline bladder infection by supporting bladder health.Purchase one that's been formulated especially for pets so that you'll know it's safe enough to give your kitty every day.

Make no mistake about it, if your cat has already had a feline urinary tract infection, you can't afford to be ignorant about urinary crystals in cats.  Take steps now to protect your cat's health.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Tips for Grooming Your Cat

Cats are known to be self reliant when it comes to their grooming needs. However, sometimes you still need to do your part in order to keep them at optimal health and cleanliness. You can help to maintain your cat’s good looks by keeping her hair clean and neat. The best way to accomplish this is by combing and trimming the hair regularly.

Regular cat grooming will help you make sure that your pet isn't having problems with fleas or ticks. It also gives you a chance to inspect the cat for signs of abnormalities such as inflamed skin or bald spots. Here are some simple grooming tips that will help your cat look her best at all times.

You should purchase some essential cat grooming tools in order to make the job easier and more effective. This includes various products such as a metal comb, a cat grooming brush, a grooming glove and grooming scissors.

When brushing your cat’s hair, use a brush that has lots of tiny pins. The head should be relatively small so that brushing goes more easily. Proper grooming requires that you brush your cat in the direction that her hair grows. Otherwise, you might have one furious cat on your hands, not to mention several scratches.

Bathing your cat is another important aspect of good grooming. To make the job easier, bathe her while in a carrier and use a towel to keep her as calm as possible. Choose a shampoo formulated for cats that will lather well. It should also be able to relieve dry, flaky skin and thereby make your cat more comfortable.

An important aspect of cat grooming involves ensuring that your cat’s hair doesn't become matted and tangled. If you own a long haired cat, you must trim it on a regular basis. It requires using a proper pair of grooming scissors along with a comb. Use caution so you don't prick or scratch the skin that lies at the base of your cat's coat.

Cat grooming gloves are a wonderful tool to help with shedding problems. As a means of brushing, it's simpler and more gentle for your cat. Look for a pair that is machine washable. Usually, you can also use these gloves to clean up cat hair from your carpet and furniture.

Pet grooming tools can actually be a source of pleasure for your cat if you use them properly. There's no doubt that with the proper tools, your cat will avoid bad hair days and appear sleek and well groomed.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Use These Five Natural Remedies For Pets To Relieve Cat Urinary Problems

Ever wondered if there's something you can do at home to prevent or treat cat urinary problems?  Here's a list of five natural remedies for cat bladder infection, along with how to choose the best natural remedies for pets.

Feed Your Cat A High-Quality Canned Food

But, you say, this isn't a natural remedy.  Actually it is.  Feeding your cat the best diet possible is the easiest natural way to keep him healthy and prevent future problems due to poor nutrition. 

Did you know that cats that eat only dry food are chronically dehydrated?  Dry food has an extremely low moisture level, compared to canned food.  Cats are meant to get most of their water from their food, so many of them don't drink enough water, which can lead to cat urinary problems.

Fresh, Clean, Water Is A Must

Lots of clean, fresh water is another natural remedy that promotes bladder health in your cat.  Your tap water may taste funny to your cat, so give him filtered water to make it more appealing to him.  If your cat still won't drink enough, you can add a little extra water to his canned food to increase his moisture intake.

Recommended Supplements

A daily dose of between 250 and 500 milligrams of vitamin C can help to get rid of a feline bladder infection.  Vitamin C is a natural anti-inflammatory that helps to relieve the pain of a cat bladder infection.Not only does it soothe an inflamed, irritated bladder, but it encourages healing, too.

Vitamin C can cause diarrhea if the dosage is too high, so start on the low side and work up to determine the best size dose for your kitty.

Cranberry is a well-known remedy for cystitis, which works by preventing bacteria from sticking to the walls of the bladder.  Avoid the super-sweet cranberry juice at the grocery store, and give your cat cranberry capsules instead.

Herbal Pet Remedies

Many of these same herbs that people have been using for centuries can be used on pets, too.Feline urinary tract infections can be treated with the well-known herbal remedies, uva ursi and Oregon grape holly.

Uva ursi has been used for centuries to support bladder health. It's also a diuretic that kills bacteria in the bladder. 

Oregon grape holly contains berberine, a natural antibiotic that's effective against strep and staph bacteria.  It also relieves inflammation in the bladder.

Homeopathic Remedies For Cat Bladder Infection

Cantharis is a homeopathic remedy that is very effective for relieving pain.  It's also useful when your cat is straining to empty his bladder, since it gets rid of the feeling that the bladder is still full, even after it's just been emptied.

Staphysagria also relieves pain and promotes healing of inflamed tissues.

How To Choose The Best Natural Remedies For Pets

You're probably asking how you'll ever get four different herbs and homeopathic remedies into your cat.  Wonder no more.  There is a product available now that combines all four of these traditional remedies.  It's safe and effective, as well as being easy to use. 

You'll be relieved to know that you can give this remedy right along with any antibiotic treatment your cat is on.  This herbal remedy for pets doesn't interfere with the antibiotics in any way.  And you can continue giving your cat this remedy to support bladder health long after the antibiotic is finished.

Now that you're armed with this information, you can prevent cat urinary problems from sneaking up on your feline friend.

Ionic Air Purifier Technologies - Defender or Destroyer?


Ionic air purifiers hold the promise of clean air, purified of all known harmful contaminants that threaten our health. The harmful impurities in the air are not visible to our naked eye. The weapons against such are very likely to be invisible to our eyes as well. Intuitively, the logic is appealing. Unfortunately, there is no simple solution as google throws up an avalanche of controversy within seconds. It is quite clear that the urge to rush out and buy an ionic air purifier must be suppressed at the moment. Safety, more than effectiveness, must be given higher weightage in the selection of an ionic air purifier.

The recent China melamine saga that killed infants also is a timely reminder to us that in buying into any technology or any product, all claims by manufacturers and distributors must be examined to the fullest extent that our resources permit. This is even more critical when the key reactive agent is unseen to the human eye. My investigation of ionic air purifier technologies falls within this realm, as the reactive agents are ions that are invisible to our eyes.

This article is an overview of existing ionic air purifier technology in the marketplace. My back-to-basics approach is an attempt, as a layperson, to understand the science behind the technology. The current key trend appears to be the creation of a potent invisible defence shield against airborne molecular contaminants that threaten our well-being. The prime threat being closely monitored by scientists all over the world is the avian flu virus.

Types of Ionic Air Purifier Technologies

Broadly speaking, air purification technologies can be deployed in either passive or active modes. Passive typically means that impure air is drawn into the air purifier for the reactive agents to work on before re-emerging as cleaned air into the environment. Conversely, in active mode, reactive agents are pumped into the impure air environment. Combinations of both passive and active modes are often found in many types of ionic air purifiers.

In the global market today, ionic air purifier technologies include the following categories:

(A) Ion generator - positive and negative ions
(B) Ion generator - negative ions only
(C) Photocatalytic Oxidation (POC)
(D) Electrostatic filter
(E) Combos

Ion Generator - Positive and Negative Ions

This combination of positive and negative ions appears to show the most promise for the future of ionic air purifier technology. They have been named as plasmacluster ions by Sharp Corporation, the Japanese corporate powerhouse that invented them.

Sharp explains that the plasmacluster of positive and negative ions clump to harmful airborne bacteria and viruses. When clumping occurs, hydroxyl is produced. Hydroxyl, also known as nature's detergent, is a powerful reactive species that plucks out hydrogen molecules from the organic structure of these airborne particulates thereby destroying them. The by-products of this chemical reaction, mainly water, are harmless.

This technology uses a differential ion generator, comprising a positive and a negative ion generator which can be powered in alternate cycles to control the type of ions generated.

Advocates of the positive and negative ions combination claim that a balance of both these ion types is to be found in places like waterfalls and pristine forests, i.e. this is the real state of the natural environment. Proponents of negative ions believe that negative ions dominate the environment in these natural habitats and even insist that positive ions are harmful. As I progress with my research, I shall be looking for independent scientific studies that support either of these two opposing views.

Ion Generator - Negative Ions

The traditional ionic air purifier produces only negative ions. Currently, this technology dominates market share but it is under serious threat from Sharp's plasmacluster positive and negative ions technology.

It is claimed that nearly all harmful airborne particulates like dust, smoke and bacteria etc have a positive charge. Negatively charged ions are naturally attracted to these particulates until they sink to the ground by sheer weight. Regular vacuuming removes these impurities from our environment. Weighing down the particulates does nothing to destory them, according to critics, and merely walking on them causes the air to be polluted again.

In addition, there appears to be several methods of producing the negative ions. This is important because different methods produce different by-products, some of which may be harmful. These methods include:

(1) Water method - this employs what is known as the waterfall or Lenard Effect. Onto a metal plate that is electrically-charged, water droplets are splashed. Large numbers of negative ions are produced as water droplets are split. It is claimed that no harmful by-products are produced by the water method.

(2) Electron radiation method - this is based on a single negative discharge electrode needle. Negatively-charged electrons are produced by the millions when a high voltage pulse is applied to the electrode. This process does not generate any ozone. This is due to the application of a "smaller" energy pulse.

(3) Corona discharge method - this is based on a dual electrode model, a sharp metal electrode and a flat electrode. High voltage is applied between the electrodes. The movement of electrons between the electrodes ionises the air in that same space. A criticism of this method is the production of harmful by-products like ozone and nitride oxide.

Photocatalytic Oxidation (POC)

This technology is commonly applied in a passive mode. Hydroxyl, nature's detergent, is the key reactive agent in POC technology.

Germicidal ultraviolet (UV) light is commonly shone on a catalyst (usually titanium oxide) to produce hydroxyl, oxygen and peroxide, all of which are potent oxidising agents that are very effective at destroying the organic structure of micro-organisms and gaseous volatile organic compounds.

The key pillar of POC technology is its comprehensive coverage. Proponents of this technology claim that POC inactivates ALL categories of indoor pollution, including:

(1) airborne particulates i.e. dust, pet dander, plant pollen, sea salts, tobacco smoke, industrial and car pollution, etc

(2) bioaerosols i.e. contagious or infectious biological compounds (e.g. pathogenic bacteria and viruses) or non-infectious and non-contagious (e.g. non-pathogenic bacteria, molds, cell debris)

(3) volatile organic compounds (VOCs) i.e. gaseous chemicals or odours - benzene, styrene, toluene, chloroform, hexane, ethanol, formaldehyde, ethylene, etc, all common emissions from everyday products of our modern home.

Detractors of POC technology are wary of the inability of hydroxyl to distinguish between the organic structures of molecular contaminants and that of our nose membrane, lung tissue and eye cornea.

Electrostatic Filter

This technology appears to have originated in heavy industries which produced abundant pollutants. The typical arrangement in an electrostatic filter ionic air purifier comprises a porous dielectric material sandwiched between two electrodes. The dielectric material impedes electrical conductivity whilst the electrodes efficiently conduct electricity.

Impure air is sucked into the electrostatic purifier and passed over the dielectric material which acts like a sieve. Electrostatic forces between the electrodes causes airborne particulates i.e.dust, smoke contaminants, etc, to adhere to the surface of the dielectric. Out of the other end of the purifier, cleaned air is recirculated.

Frequently, an ion source is planted just before the electrostatic filter to electrically charge the airborne particulates. The impurities, now carrying an electrical charge, stick more effectively to the dielectric material.

Critics of this technology point to the production of harmful ozone in the ionisation process.

Combo Ionic Air Purifiers

To cater to the various adherents and critics of the diverse technologies, combos incorporate all or some of the above types of technologies. Combos may include:

(1) adsorptive materials such as activated carbon or oxygenated charcoal (known for its extremely porous large surface area) are added to POC technology to enhance the removal of VOCs;

(2) oxidizing catalysts like titanium oxide are coated on various components of all types of air purifiers to enhance VOC elimination;

(3) reducing catalysts such as manganese dioxide are coated near the exit outlets of many air purifiers to reduce reactive species like ozone and nitric oxide which may be harmful;

(4) generating ions by differing methods such as using microwave, UV light, radio frequency waves, and direct current;

(5) tweaking the specifications of any ionic air purifier technology so as to attain the well-known HEPA status without actually using HEPA filters.

Obviously, the process of selecting the most efficient and effective ionic air purifier involves analysing a deluge of information. And I have not even touched on the safety aspects of each technology. I have also not examined in detail the claims of each technology. It is natural to want to quickly want something that promises to improve the air quality in your homes, offices, factories, schools etc. But I urge you to do your homework and don't forget to visit me for updates as I continue my search for the ideal ionic air purifier.

To easily receive updates on new articles, subscribe to The Ionic Air Purifier Blog today.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

What You Need To Know About Feline Bladder Infections

Are you sick and tired of dealing with feline bladder infections?Your cat and you aren't alone.  Cat urinary problems are probably the most common reason for a vet visit.In this article, we'll look at veterinary treatments for a cat bladder infection, along with tips for home care.

Cat Bladder Infection Treatments

Your vet may want to do a urinalysis to check your cat's urine for the presence of bacteria, blood, white blood cells, or crystals.  White blood cells indicate an infection, while crystals can show that bladder stones are forming.  If your vet suspects bladder stones, x-rays or an ultrasound may be the next step.

Most bladder infections are treated with antibiotics.  If your cat suffers from frequent feline bladder infections, your vet will want to do a urine culture to try to identify the bacteria involved.  This will help to determine the best antibiotic to use.

If your cat has a bladder infection, it's very important to treat it.  If you don't, it can progress to a feline kidney infection, cat bladder stones, or other cat urinary problems.

Home Treatments for Bladder Infections In Cats

Diet is very important for cats with urinary problems.Most cat owners are shocked to learn that if their cats eat only dry food, they're probably chronically dehydrated.  A dehydrated cat has very concentrated urine, a common cause of cat bladder stones or a cat bladder infection.

Some cats don't drink enough water either.  This is because cats in the wild get most of their water from their prey, so they don't have to drink a lot of water.It can lead to big problems down the road for your cat if you feed him only dry food.

Can you do something to change this?  The best answer is to feed your cat a good-quality canned food.The moisture level in canned food is much closer to what a cat would naturally eat.  

Be sure that your cat always has access to clean, fresh water.  You wouldn't want to drink water that's old and has stuff floating in it, and your cat won't either.

Cranberry juice is an old remedy for preventing bladder infections in people.  However, most cats won't drink it.  You can find cranberry capsules at the drugstore.  If you're good at giving your cat pills, this can be an effective way to prevent and treat bladder infections in cats.  But if you're like most cat owners, poking a pill down your cat's throat is not high on your list of fun things to do.

Treat Cat Urinary Problems With Natural Remedies For Pets

Over the centuries, people have learned by trial and error which plants can help heal different health conditions.  Uva ursi and barberry are two herbal remedies for human urinary tract problems that have stood the test of time. 

People with urinary problems find that homeopathic remedies are safe and effective.  Cantharis and Staphysagris are proven natural remedies to support bladder health.

The question is, how to use these natural remedies on your cat.  It's very important to find a product that's specially formulated for pets, not people, so it's safe for your kitty.  And of course, it has to be easy to give to your feline friend, or you won't use it for long.

Take charge of your cat's health by finding a product that's effective and easy to use, and so safe that you can give it to your cat every day. This is the easiest way to prevent feline bladder infections.