Amongst all the tame animals in the world, the pet feline is one of the few that has managed to keep its independence. It is because of this independence that most people really love to have felines as pets as they live their own lives without the dependence of others. A pet feline can retain its wildness but still be attached to an owner. Pet felines have always enjoyed domesticity this can be seen through history.
Ancient Egyptians and other cultures and races have long time-honored ties with this extraordinary creature. These animals have also been honored and from time to time been ostracized depending largely on who they are with. As companions to queens and kings, they were seen as deities but as companions to witches, the pet feline was looked upon as an evil animal.
The Pet Feline And Its Relationship With Its Owner
There are many different kinds of feline cats. Shorthaired, long haired and hairless are among these kinds of felines. These animals also have a variety of faces and characteristics that go along with the different kinds of animals that they are.
Between the owner and his cat, there will always be a strong bond but one must always bear in mind that this animal has always retained its independence and singleness throughout the years ever since its being a kitten. In spite of this, many owners enjoy their cat's natural temperament and natural beauty and dignity. Many pet felineowners even appreciate their pets' individuality and dignity instead of being put off by it. Owners often treasure their pets due mainly to the fact that the animals can also be very lovable and naughty at times.
One could say that the pet feline is a very individual animal compared to the other popular pets like dogs and horses. They can actually live without human interaction or interference by using their skills and prowess. The pet feline is also descended from a long line of big cats that exude grace and confidence in themselves. Their lineage is quite long and also varied. There are several varieties of domesticated felines and also wild ones all over the world. Many of these animals feature in legend and folklore as well as superstition.
The role that a pet feline can play in the lives of its owner and family depends on how much importance you give it. Just like all other animals, they often respond to love and attention from their owners. This means that they can and do reciprocate the love and attention you give them.