Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Where To Shop For Your New Cat

If you’re planning on getting a new cat for your family, why don’t you start at your local cat rescue?  There are so many adorable pets there that are in dire need of a loving home.  These types of facilities are ideal when shopping for a new cat, because you can get a great deal on your new pet!

Why A Cat Rescue?

A cat rescue shelter sells awesome cats at less price than prevailing market price.  You can bring your child to the facility and let them “rescue” their very own pet!  These animals may have come from an abusive household, or been a stray their whole lives, they would thrive in a loving environment!Almost all cat rescue shelters provide a spayed or neutered cat, de-wormed and flea treated for an economical price of under hundred dollars.  You’ll end up spending at least that amount on the shots and neutering/spaying alone! 

With so many people neglecting to get their animals spayed or neutered, the number of strays is increasing.  There are not enough homes for these animals.  And to add to that increasing number, there are families that decide that they can’t take care of their pet anymore, or they move to a place that doesn’t allow pets.  Unfortunately, some of these poor little creatures will have to be put to sleep if they’re considered to old for adoption.Statistics reveal that on an average more than 2000 animals are euthanized monthly in absence of adequate rescue resources.  People don’t think about that when they’re dropping their five year old cat off at the cat rescue shelter.  Luckily for you, sometimes the older pets come at a lower price because most families want a little kitten.It is prudent to choose a grown up cat at the rescue shelter, as this not only saves a life but also gives you a grown and great pet. 

Most of these animals have has tragic lives so far, they have been dumped, or never really had a family at all, so, many cat rescues take special care in finding these cat’s a good home.They ensure if you are prepared for the pet, they load you will all required know how about the new household member and set your expectations.  They are not trying to sell you on it, they are trying to make sure are you are a motivated buyer, and really know what you are getting into.  These people love animals, and want to see these pets become part of a special family, maybe even yours.

Monday, January 26, 2009

Cat Walk: In True Sense

The cat has five toes on its front paw and the back paw has four and, there are also cats that have seven front toes and, extra toes on their hind feet. A cat is known to step with both of its front legs and, then both of its right legs, when walking or running and they normally walk on their toes. Domestic cats are known to sprint at approximately thirty-one miles an hour.

Special Manner Of Walking

The cat is a skilful hunter and this may be the reason for a cat to walk in a special manner. Almost all animals employ alternate legs using right front and left rear followed by the left front and right rear. Only three members of the animal kingdom are exceptions these are Camel, Giraffe and the Cat. The cat walk moves two legs on one side together first and, then shifts to repeat the motion with the other side. The good thing of this manner of walking is that it is a diagonal movement that saves the animal’s energy and provides speed, agility as well as silence.

Cat beautifully uses its tail for balance similar to a tightrope walker employes pole to balance himself. A cat that walks along a narrow ledge or fence can peer over in one direction by taking the help of its tail that moves in the opposite direction. Also, the footpads of the cat are extremely calloused and are of a modified skin that will cover the connective tissue and, thus is much tougher than normal skin. This allows the cat to walk even in the cold, without any problem.

When the cat walks, its paws bear the full weight and a cat will stand as well as walk on the entire paw and, if were to be de-clawed, it will have to modify its stance. It might force your cat to walk unnaturally putting undue strain of its paws. It might take a while for your cat to get used to the new ambience, but once your pet gets accustomed it will adjust its speed, once more.

Big cats walk with their tails tucked behind them or tucked between their legs and this may be a ploy to conceal them to avoid being spotted by their enemies and, domestic cats may also walk this way, when stalking a mouse. That may be the reason why the term ‘cat walk’ was coined.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

How to get a Cat make up

Cats are beautiful, graceful creatures, and as Halloween rolls around, it's only natural to want to pay homage to their mysterious beauty. And it's always been said that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Therefore, why not put on cat make up and a cat costume for your next costume party?

Cat Make Up Kits

There are several cat make up kits on the market. Some emphasize the sexuality of a hot blooded female cat, others focus more on the goofiness of the kitten, still others are slightly forbidding, reminding us that the cat is only partially domesticated whatever we may think. Many cat make up kits will transform you into a feline who looks like an extra for a production of Andrew Lloyd Webber's Cats

The kits vary greatly in price, but they all come with basic cat make up and instructions for applying it.

Cat costumes are also readily available both online and in costume stores. Once more you will come across a variety of accessories to pick up from including Hat, Comic looking cat and skimpy dresses that would give a Hollywood actress a run for her money.

But I Want to Do My Own Cat Make Up!

You can't go too far wrong with a cat make up kit, but there's always the chance that you'll show up for your Halloween event looking just like someone else. In order to become unique, insist on doing your own make up.

You will require Paint (preferably grease paint), false eyelashes or mascara, lipstick and lip liner and a white highlighter. If you're really into creating the perfect costume, consider purchasing a latex nose, some spirit gum, and a bristly black paint brush to provide whiskers.

Adequate references are offered on the net enumerating the method of beautifying your pet cat. Study them to get ideas. Then, on a piece of drawing paper, make a rough sketch of your ideal cat face. Think about the image you want to project. Is your inner cat warm and cuddly, or aloof and mysterious? Are you a kitten or a crone?

When you're ready to start applying your cat make up, do so carefully. If you make a mistake with grease paint, it's hard to wash off. You might want to enlist a friend to help you get your make up just right.

When you're finally finished, it's off to the party. Just remember to conduct yourself with the appropriate amount of feline pride. After all, just a few thousand years ago, your ancestors were worshipped as gods.

Finding A Cat Bed That Works For Your Cat

Getting an appropriate cat bed is beneficial for you as well as your pet. Your cat will be thankful to have their own bed and you will no longer have to worry about them resorting to finding their own cuddle place, which is perhaps not where you want it. By selecting an appealing cat bed for your feline they will stop sleeping where you don’t want them.

It can be a daunting task to find the perfect cat bed since there are numerous options available. However, you should rest assured that since there are so many choices you are bound to find one that works for your cat. You can find cat beds that range from small furniture suites to just a simple pad. To find the right cat bed, consider the following ideas.

The Comfort Factor

Always consider what your cat will consider comfortable when shopping around for the perfect cat bed. A bed that is cozy is very important for cats but it should also be one that allows them to be warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Normally a cup shaped bed is best for your cat during winter because the bed keeps the cat body heat constant. If you are living in extremely cold climates then perhaps a heated bed would be an even better option for you cat.

Getting Your Cat To Use The Bed

If you cat isn’t using the bed you brought home it doesn’t necessary mean they don’t like the style, rather they may just not like where you have placed the bed. Cats prefer their beds placed in a place that is both quiet without a lot of activity but yet in an area where they can still keep an eye on the various household activities.

Considering The Humans

When choosing a cat bed you ideally want one that works for your cat, but you will also want to choose one that matches your preferences. For this reason, it is often best to find a cat bed that is easily washable. Since the bed is often going to collect a lot of fur, you want one that is easy to place in the washer. For this reason, you should make sure you find a bed that is very durable.

What To Avoid

Beds that have hanging fabric or strings should be avoided since your cat can ingest these. As a result of swallowing these strings or fabrics, they will become ill and have intestinal blockage, which could lead to a costly medical bill. For the convenience sake, any one would opt for a color safe bed which will not spoil the other cloths while washing.

Friday, January 23, 2009

What You Should Know About Feline Idiopathic Cystitis

If your furball has been diagnosed with idiopathic cystitis in cats, you probably have a lot of questions.  Read on to learn more about this condition, and how you can help your cat with natural remedies for pets.

What Is Feline Idiopathic Cystitis?

"Idiopathic" is a fancy word that means "we don't know what's causing it." When your cat has feline lower urinary tract disease, this can be hard to deal with.  Cystitis in cats is a very common condition, unfortunately.  And an even more unfortunate fact is that in nearly half of the cats diagnosed with FLUTD, there doesn't seem to be a cause. 

Some vets refer to this condition as "feline interstitial cystitis" because it's very similar to interstitial cystitis in humans. 

How Feline Idiopathic Cystitis Resembles Interstitial Cystitis In People

Comparing these conditions in both cats and humans show some interesting results.

  • People with interstitial cystitis have more sensory nerves in their bladders.  Many cats who have FLUTD do, too.
  • Often a person with interstitial cystitis doesn't have the mucus lining in their bladders that protects the bladder from becoming irritated by urine.  This is true of cats with idiopathic cystitis in cats, also.
  • Recurring bladder infections are a problem in both humans and cats.
  • Stress seems to be a precipitating factor for cystitis both in cats and in humans.

The question of whether both people and cats are suffering from the same condition is the topic of research studies.  If so, human treatments may be helpful for kitties, as well.

Drug Treatments For Idiopathic Cystitis In Cats

If your cat is having a lot of severe episodes, your vet may prescribe amitriptyline.  It relieves the pain and inflammation associated with cystitis in cats.  Side effects can include sleepiness, weight gain, bladder stones, and urine retention.  Your cat may not groom himself as much, either. 

Your cat may be given steroids to relieve his inflamed bladder.  Glucosamine has been found to repair the mucus lining of the bladder, so your vet may want to try that. 

What Can You Do At Home To Help A Cat With FLUTD?

Diet is very important for these cats.  There has always been an emphasis on reducing the acidity of the urine, along with decreasing the amount of magnesium and calcium in the urine.  But the latest research shows that the rate of water turnover is the most important. 

What this means is that you need to find a way to increase your feline's water intake.  This will keep his urine dilute to keep the acidity lower, and prevent high mineral levels. 

If you feed your cat dry food, it's very important to switch him over to canned food.  Dry food has moisture levels below ten percent.  Why is this a problem?  Because cats are made to get most of their water from their food.  In a natural setting, cats eat mice and other animals, which are 98% water.  They don't need to drink much water. 

Canned food is has a 75% moisture level, which is certainly better than the moisture level in dry food.  It can be difficult to switch a cat who has always eaten dry food over to canned food, but patience and persistence over several months often pays off in better health for your kitty.

Reducing your cat's stress levels is important, too.  Many cats will have episodes of feline lower urinary tract disease after a stressful event like moving.  Some cats are even affected by weather changes.

Natural Remedies For Pets Can Help

Many cat owners have had great success with treating their cats with a natural remedy made especially for pets.  This cat uti remedy contains uva ursi and barberry, two herbs with a long history of use in treating human bladder problems.  It also contains the homeopathic remedies Cantharis and Staphysagria.This remedy can be safely used on cats for long periods of time, and it's also very effective for preventing cat urinary problems.

Put this to the test right away, and see how well this remedy works on your cat with feline idiopathic cystitis.

Visit Natural Pet Urinary Health, and learn how to prevent feline idiopathic cystitis, and find the best place to buy herbal pet remedies.