Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Ionic Air Purifier - Japanese Plasmacluster Ions Technology Leads The Charge Against Lethal Bird Flu Virus

On 27 August 2008, Sharp Corporation issued a press release that may someday be recognised as the true beginning of mankind's war against bird flu! Incorporated in its ionic air purifier, the Plasmacluster Ion Technology (more on this in a later post) has just been scientifically proven to be 99.9% effective in destroying the bird flu virus known as H5N1.

With increasing regularity, the press reminds us that bird flu is the prime suspect to cause mankind's next pandemic. Pandemic sounds terrifying. It is. That’s when a highly contagious virus goes global, in a very negative sense. The 1918 Spanish Flu that killed 50 million people worldwide is the worst pandemic in human history! That was blamed on the H1N1 virus which was only recently confirmed on 5 October 2005 by the World Health Organization (WHO) to be a bird flu virus.

Now that I have your attention, is it time to PANIC?

Not now. "Only" 245 people infected by the H5N1 virus, as per WHO data as at 10 Sep 2008, have died since 1996 when it first surfaced in China. So what’s the fuss? A bird flu virus that attains human-to-human transmission capability is the ultimate horror of the scientific community. To the knowledge of WHO, there has been only one probable case of human-to-human transmission recorded in Thailand in September 2004. Should the dreaded virus mutation take place, you can expect pandemonium on a global scale.

With increasing momentum. many countries are conscientiously preparing for the worse (more on this in a later post). As protectors of our families and loved ones, we should start doing some homework too.

Ok, so what’s all this got to do with Sharp’s ionic air purifier. Isn’t it just another ionic air purifier? Yes, because it takes care of the usual pollutants (dust, dirt, smoke, dander, pollen, cuisine odors, pet odors, allergens etc) that contaminate the air that we breathe and live in. But if we can get protection from all these and more in one ionic air purifier, especially one that is a tested defense shield against a potentially deadly virus, why not? That's what Sharp is claiming, get the all-in-one package with their Plasmacluster Ion Air Purifier.

Obviously, for the value-conscious, the next logical question would be “yes, that makes a whole lot of sense but at what cost”? At no extra cost, Sharp claims! Sharp contends that over a 5-year period, it is cheaper than any other competing ionic air purifier. Now, that’s value for money! How is it possible in this nothing-is-for-free world?

With the Plasmacluster Ionic Air Purifier Model FP-N40CX as the basis, Sharp contends that it is great value for money as there is no filter replacement costs for the first 5 years. At first sight, the typical competitor's upfront cost of US$160 looks cheap compared to Sharp's US$399. But add in the annual replacement filter replacement costs of US$100 and the total outlay for the competing ionic air purifier comes to US$560.

I would greatly appreciate any feedback on both sets of numbers above. Do let me know if you have recent actual data.

Meanwhile, I'm going to scrutinise intently the Sharp Plasmacluster Ion Technology. Especially since bird flu is still not quite at pandemic proportions.

Join me in my quest. Fear etches itself deep in my psyche. Recall the last disaster movie when you saw people with terror in their eyes, many with the famed N95 face mask covering their noses as they commute to work. But it was no movie but real life in motion in many Asian cities. Those who could not find the scarce N95 face mask could only pray that they were not the next victim of the near-pandemic scenario that swept across Asia. In case you have not heard, the year was 2003. The SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) virus originated in Asia and infected 8,096 people around the world, resulting in 774 fatalities. As always, being prepared is half the battle won.

Watch this space as we track exciting developments in our pursuit of safe, pure and clean air with nothing more than an ionic air purifier.

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cat Care-Do You Know What Disease Symptoms To Look For?

When people experience any pain in there bodies, they can just tell someone they are feel sickly or are in pain and the individual they tell, will either call a physician or take them to a infirmary, Cats obviously are not able to do this, but by observing them you can tell you lots of things about there health. This is why pet owners should employ cat care and be alert of any symptoms that may develop.

Talked About below are a few diseases and their symptoms you should look out for.

Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) is the most feared disease by cat owners. It is a well-known fact, that it is the leading cause of death amongst cats. It is caused by a coronavirus infection and what is yet worse, is that the symptoms are very much like other diseases so it is very hard to diagnose.

There is also Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV) that is similar to HIV (human immunodeficiency virus). Just like the version in humans, it is a life long infection that progresses slowly and kills the cat.

Cats may also be infected by Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV). This is a is a retrovirus that causes fatal cancerous and non cancerous diseases. Fortuitously, it can be easily treated by using some household bleach and detergents, also your pet must be kept warm. This disease is transmitted through the saliva, tears, urine and feces of other cats that are infected. unlike the other two diseases, it cannot live that long in the environment. Thus, it is only transmittable when the infected cat stays with another cat for any period of time. 

Worms are another threat to cats and this is caused by a fungal infection that is spread through spores.. Since this disease is self limiting, you will not have do anything to make it clear up. It will in time clear up on its own, but it may take a few months to do so.

If your cat is obese, the chances are it already has feline diabetes. The symptoms of this disease include excessive urination and thirst as well as weight loss or gain. Vets are not yet certain what causes this, but there have been a few research studies that have showed that there is a link between pancreatic disease, hormonal imbalance and certain medications.

The symptoms of most of the above diseases mentioned are very similar. These include diarrhea, vomiting, lameness lasting for more than 5 days in one leg, a decrease in sight, excessive panting, a seizure, blood in the stool or urine, hair loss, repeated coughing or gagging and breathing heavily or rapidly while at rest. In order to find the answer, your cat will have to undergo some tests, at your local veterinarians.

Your veterinarian will take some blood, urine and feces samples and ask for input from you, about any observation you have made. When the tests results come back, only then will the proper treatment be administered to your cat as each case is different, so what worked for another cat may not have the self same positive effect with yours.

Your cat will always be healthy if you give it constant attention. This is done by giving it leading quality natural food, giving it fresh water everyday, allowing it to exercise, proper grooming, making sure it stays inside and taking it for regular visits to your veterinarian.

If you miss any of these simple steps, then something wrong is sure to happen to your cat and you will soon notice a change in the behavior of your cat and if you do nothing about it, it is just going to make matters far worse. So you need to observe proper cat care and look out for any symptoms.

For further Free information on Long Term Cat Care try visiting Caring For Your Cat Help.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Arthritis in Cats

Cats can suffer from arthritis just as we humans do, and it mostly affects older cats. There might not be any cure (depending on the type of arthritis), but there are always treatments. Most cats are naturally exceptionally nimble and athletic animals, but as you might expect their joints, ligaments and bones are susceptible to accidental damage, and to the wear and tear of everyday life. On the other hand, giving thanks to their buoyancy, sense of balance, ability to land on their feet and built-in shock absorbers - their forelegs are not connected by bone to the rest of their skeleton, cats do not suffer from as many orthopaedic troubles as they might if they didn’t have all of these great qualities. Arthritis conditions in cats take place most generally as an end result of accidents.

Cats can suffer from different kinds of arthritis, which plainly means joint inflammation. However, arthritis is much more compound than a simple inflammation, so this plain name is relatively confusing. For example, check out the wide range of signs of arthritis in cats:

·    Stiffness
·    Limping
·    Favoring One Limb (especially after resting)
·    Not Wanting to Climb Stairs or Jump
·    Noticeable Pain
·    Different Gait than Usual
·    Nervousness
·    Aggression
·    Depression

If you notice more than one of these symptoms in your cat, you should make an appointment with your veterinarian as soon as possible. Usually, as the owner, you notice these things right away and know that something isn’t quite right.


Many things can cause arthritis in cats. Main reasons are old age, trauma, infections, immune system disorders and even developmental disorders.

Cats most commonly suffer the following two forms of arthritis. One is traumatic Arthritis and this may be caused by a sudden injury to a joint, such as following a vehicle accident, the consequence of a fight or play with another cat or animal, or because of an awkward fall.

The second is called osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis is well thought-out by professionals to be the end result of a joint failure that can occur for nearly any reason. Cats’ shoulder and elbow joints are those most regularly pretentious in older cats. Common causes are repeated episodes of traumatic arthritis, and also joint dislocation or fractures involving joints that occurred in the past and made the joints more vulnerable to disproportionate wear and tear.

What to Expect During Your Trip to the Vet

Your vet will conduct a regular examination, and comments from you on your cat’s problems. Your vet might take some tests to rule out anything else such as blood tests, radiographs, ultrasound, etc.


If your cat is diagnosed with arthritis, there are many treatments available. Some you can do at home such as gentle massage, weight control, exercise, and warmth. Some medications may be prescribed for your cat such as Glucosamine and Chondroitin, Corticosteroids, Vitamin C, and/or NSAIDs (Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs).

There are numerous different kinds of joint diseases that your cat could have, too. These include:

Feline progressive polyarthritis (which affects more than one joint)
Bacterial Arthritis
Oseoarthritis (Degenerative Joint Disease)
Ruptured Anterior Cruciate Ligament
Luxating Patella
Hip Dysplasia
Intervertabral Disc Disease

Although most forms of arthritis has no cure to rid your feline of the disease, there are plenty of treatments available. Your cat can live out the rest of his or her life with less pain, more activity, and just being generally happier!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Cat Diabetes-And How You Should Treat It

If your cat has diabetes then cat care is important to your pets health. You will need to take the appropriate steps to make sure your pet can lead a normal life. It is unfortunate that pet cats have there own form of diabetes. It is important as a pet owner you learn how this will affect your pet and how you can help your cat lead a normal healthy life.

There are two types of cat diabetes, that could affect you pet. The first type is caused by the lack of  production of insulin, while the second type is the inability of the cats body to process insulin as it should do. just like in humans, diabetes can affect a cat at any age. But it normally appears in a pet in its later years.

Your cat will start to display symptoms that will tell you there is something wrong. These symptoms are very similar to the one in humans, You would start to notice your cat would require more fluid and would also urinate more. Because of your pets inability to process any glucose, then you will start to notice some weight loss.

Other symptoms you may see your cat are vomiting, loss of appetite and general weakness. Diabetic cats also  start to have poor skin and coat condition, as well as breathing problems

If your pet cat starts to display the above symptoms, it would be very wise of you to take your pet to your local vet. This way you can have your cat tested for sugar levels in there blood as well as in their urine. it is better to have both tests done, because any cat that feels under any form of stress, will show a spike in there blood sugar levels. By having both tests done, you will be able to confirm if your pet cat really has diabetes.

There is no cure for your cats diabetes as of yet. There diabetes can be controlled through a various means, and for cats it is done by diet and weight control. Giving your pet a diet high in fiber and carbohydrates would be ideal for diabetic cats, especially if they are over weight.

By using this type of diet, you will control your cats weight and blood sugar levels. There are also some oral medications available that your trusted vet may recommend. These should help to maintain a suitable blood sugar level.

Owners of diabetic cats, also will need to monitor their pets glucose and insulin levels. This is for those pet owners who will have to give there cats insulin injections for their diabetes. But be warned, you need to be carful to avoid giving an overdose of insulin as this will be fatal to your pet.

Cat care and diabetes should always go together, this will ensure that your pet can lead a normal healthy life. If you provide the right care for diabetic cats, then you will still have many happy years to come with your pet.

For further Free information on Cat Care try visiting Caring For Your Cat....