Saturday, October 11, 2008

Cats And Ring Worm

Cats And Ring Worm

Ringworm is a very common form of skin disease that can be problematical in cat care. Although its name makes you think otherwise, this skin disease isn’t caused by any type of worm.  It’s actually caused by fungi known as Dermatophytes that feed on dead tissues found in the surface of the skin, spreading them around the skin of the animal.

With cats, there is a certain type of fungi known as M Canis that is found with nearly 95% of all ringworm cases.  Normally, cats will get the ringworm disease from contaminated objects like bedding, clippers, or another animal that already has the disease.  If there are animals in your home or around your house that have the ringworm disease, your cat could very easily contract it this way.

If you are caring for cats that are under a year old in your home, you should always use precaution, as they are more susceptible to ringworm.  Kittens can easily contract the disease, especially if you allow them to go outside.  They can easily come in contact with a contaminated object or another cat that has the disease.  Kittens take a long time to build their immune system up, and in the meantime they are more apt to get common disease such as ringworm.

The most common symptoms of ringworm in cats are rough or broken hairs, or hair loss around the head or the paws.  Ringworm can easily be identified by a patch of scaly skin on the body that appears itchy and inflamed.  There will also be broken hairs around the patch of scaly skin.  This area is very sensitive, and you should never try to touch it, as it will hurt your cat.

If you notice any of the above symptoms with your pet, you should immediately schedule an appointment with your vet.  If the vet diagnosis your cat with ringworm, he may prescribe ointment or tablets.  What he describes however, will determine on how serious the ringworm is.  If he prescribes tablets as part of your cat care routine, you should give them with meals.  Ointment on the other hand, is normally spread into the coat, topically.  You should always use what your vet prescribes on a daily basis, to ensure that your cat heals.  The healing process will take time, normally around six weeks or more.

Cats that have ringworm should be labeled as infectious.  If you have children in the house, you should keep them away from your pet. Whenever you handle your cat, you should always use gloves.  Ringworms are contagious, and you should always use caution.  Even though it’s a mild disease, ringworm can result in serious problems due to the slow recovery time and fact that it’s contagious.

Feline Kidney Diet - For the Cat With Kidney Problems

Does your cat have a kidney problem? Then you are not only going to need to learn more cat information in general so that you can comprehend the animal better but as well you are going to need to produce a proper feline kidney diet.

By changing your cat to a feline kidney diet you are making sure that your cat is receiving all the nutrition they require to strive. A feline kidney diet needs to include special vitamins and minerals than you do not generally get in a regular feline diet because there are kidney problems.

Where to begin

To understand what is going to help your cat and what dietary changes it will require you need to understand the cat. Cats are naturally carnivores, and the greatest way to formulate a feline kidney diet plan is to make sure to comprise foods that the cats would eat out in the wild, as this is where they initially come from.

This is where it begins to become difficult. You are going to need to understand how to read a pet food ingredient label, so you can make sure that you are selecting the correct food for your cat. The current labeling system for pet foods is gravely deficient in functional information and looking at the list of ingredients will tend to give an imperfect picture of what is in fact in the food in terms of the quantity of each ingredient.

Even though you may have heard different, the majority if not all of the so-called prescription diets that are sold in veterinary hospitals are not formulated for most favorable health of a carnivore. Most people believe that corn, wheat and soy should be included in a cats diet but this is not true.

If you want your cat to live a long healthy life, you are going to need to make sure that they are eating all the right foods. Drinking enough water and getting enough exercise is as important as having a proper feline kindney diet.

You will want to do as a great deal investigation of your own, so that you can find out more about cats in general and as well about your cat in particular, what their health problems are and what you can do to obtain care of them and get them to a most favorable condition of health.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Two Unusual Rare Cat Breeds

There are many types of cats, you have your exotic cats, you have your domestic tabby cats and then you have your more unusual rare cat breeds. If you are looking for a rare cat breed then you have a few options that your can choose from. Here we will discuss the Sphinx and the British Shorthair, both rare and both very beautiful cats.




The Sphinx is a rare cat breed that you might want to think about and one of the most unforgettable since they are hairless. In fact the Sphinx is not always completely hairless there can be a fine down on the body, similar to that on a newborn baby.


One of the features that make them so extraordinary is the surface of the Sphinx skin. It has been compared to a suede-covered hot water bottle of heated chamois. These are impressive cats which are medium sized and strong. They characteristically have strong boning and superior muscle development and the adult cats tend to be bigger than the female cats.


As well, this rare cat breed requires a particular cat diet, so you are required to make sure that you are feeding them the correct foods if you want them to be healthy and do their best.


British Shorthair


The British Shorthair is another rare cat breed that you may be fascinated in. These are considered as being the oldest English breed of cat, one which was first appreciated for its physical strength and hunting capability.


Soon they became known for other reputable characteristics, and they are recognized as being a comparatively rare cat in the United States and other areas of the world.


These cats continue to get more and more popular and because of their easygoing nature and intelligence, they are one of the most well loved breeds of cat.


Here are just two types of breed which would make incredible pets and are considered as being rare. Whether you are just interested in the look of these types of cats or just want a cat that is going to make for a fascinating conversation, going with one of these rare cat breeds is a fantastic idea.


Just make certain that you are equipped for the cat prior to bringing it home. You are going to need to have toys for it to play with, healthy food for it to eat, and a trainer if you want the cat to be well behaved.

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Your Cat's Hairballs

As a cat fan certainly you probably are aware of a ordinary issue that troubles kitties:  cat hairballs.  But what are you aware of a hairball's indications, triggers, and reliefs?

What Makes A Hairball?

The typical hairball is created by the rough surface of a cat's tongue extracting loose hairs while washing themselves.  The hair is then ingested and drawn into the digestive tract.  Ordinarily, this hair wouldn't be digested, but would get removed when the cat uses the litter pan or goes outside.  Of course, felines are predators, and are designed to be able to accept swallowing fur, like from a poor mouse it catches.   When hair hardens into a ball, the kitty will certainly not enjoy the unwelcome experience of throwing it back up.  In certain situations however, this might not work and it might end up trapped inside your pet, unfortunately resulting in serious health issues.

Cat Health and Hairballs

Cat hairballs are enough of a pain all by themselves, but can additionally cause many related concerns, rapidly becoming unsafe if not got rid of or cured promptly.  In addition to the open and revolting throwing up, of course, the unexpelled hair can induce digestive difficulties and constipation.  Your kitty might stop eating and become lethargic as the hairball grows in size, while your pet are still unable to get rid of it.  Their insides can swell and this can clearly create all sorts of unpleasant problems that you'd certainly not want be stuck with.  This condition could even end up requiring surgical intervention to remove the hairball, which is a pretty large expense and danger to your animal, especially given the trivial nature of preventing hairballs in the first place.  Left untreated, it could become a fatal illness.

Hairball Cures

Cats naturally attempt to treat themselves by throwing up.  They can do this by eating grass, which typically induces kitties to vomit due to the grass fibers irritating their stomaches.  Other possibilities to treat hairballs in cats revolve around petroleum or mineral oil based products designed to grease the intestinal tract in order to ease the natural elimination of the hairball.  Products such as Laxatone or Petromalt have been created to eliminate hairballs in cats.  They are a semi-solid paste that you give your felines before meals.  This slides the impediment through the system and is helpful to relieve non-hairball caused constipation in addition.  They have been made purchasable in a cornucopia of flavors like tuna or catnip flavoring.  One serving a day for two to three days, and your problem should be fixed.

Hairball Prevention

Preventing hairball recurrence is done by several different means, some of them complementary.  One is a dab of Laxatone or Petromalt 2 or 3 times a week.  Petromalt hairball remedy is always highly thought of by vets and pet people alike. There are particular "hairball prevention" formulated diets available.  A major part of hairball prevention is certainly correct grooming.  Be sure to brush the short-haired felines but comb the long-haired cats on a continual basis.  They enjoy it and it's a wonderful method to spend time making sure your cat gets happy and healthy.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Strange Cat Behavior– What To Be Concerned About

Cats are capable of being fascinating companions. The majority of the time they can be wonderful to have around, but there are some strange cat behavior that can irritate even the most enduring owner.

Missing The Litter Box

 You know that there is something wrong when a cat or kitten has a problem when they being to urinate in places other than their kitty litter or the place in which they have been taught to go. The first step is to clean out the litter box on a regular basis so that it is nice smelling. No one likes an unclean toilet! This could possibly resolve the crisis. If not, take your cat to the vet for a once over. Your cat could have a physical problem that might be making it hard for them to make it to the box in time. After having your cat looked at by a veterinarian for possible physical problems which could have caused this strange cat behavior, there are other ways in which you can assist your cat back to toileting where it is supposed to.

 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder- Can Your Cat Have This Problem   

Did you know that a few cats develop behaviors that are obsessive compulsive, like tail chewing, excessive licking, wool-sucking, or fur-pulling? Characteristic physical problems could be something as negligible as fleas or as major as neuropathy. So having your cat looked at by its vet is a smart first choice.

 Excessive Fear Or Inhibition Results In A Scaredy Cat 

There are a few cats that have an excessive fear or inhibition around people. If you show patience and love the cat can grow out of the timid state. But do not rush this process, as you can make it worse and it can result in a cat behavior that is violent and bites or scratches. 

The majority of kittens are socialized as they grow up, by being held by a variety of different people who smell different and act different. If your kitten didn’t get this advantage, it may grow into a reserved and nervous adult cat. Give it time to come out, then reward “showing up” with a food treat it likes. You will be able to coax it out with a trail of food leading to its bowl, moving the bowl a bit each day. Talk tenderly to it, letting it warm up slowly. While your cat may never be fully socialized and welcome contact with others, it can still be a nice family pet. 

Anxious And Apprehensive Cats 

You will find that there are a few cats that feel a lot of stress and anxiety. This stress can lead to additional cat behavior problems, like depression or litter box avoidance. If these symptoms (of stress and anxiety) become visible unexpectedly, first make sure the cat’s heath is ok with the vet. If your cats health is ok, then you would want to look at the cat’s environment could be contributing to the stress level.


Strange Cat Behavior– What To Be Concerned About

Cats are capable of being fascinating companions. The majority of the time they can be wonderful to have around, but there are some strange cat behavior that can irritate even the most enduring owner.

Missing The Litter Box

 You know that there is something wrong when a cat or kitten has a problem when they being to urinate in places other than their kitty litter or the place in which they have been taught to go. The first step is to clean out the litter box on a regular basis so that it is nice smelling. No one likes an unclean toilet! This could possibly resolve the crisis. If not, take your cat to the vet for a once over. Your cat could have a physical problem that might be making it hard for them to make it to the box in time. After having your cat looked at by a veterinarian for possible physical problems which could have caused this strange cat behavior, there are other ways in which you can assist your cat back to toileting where it is supposed to.

 Obsessive Compulsive Disorder- Can Your Cat Have This Problem   

Did you know that a few cats develop behaviors that are obsessive compulsive, like tail chewing, excessive licking, wool-sucking, or fur-pulling? Characteristic physical problems could be something as negligible as fleas or as major as neuropathy. So having your cat looked at by its vet is a smart first choice.

 Excessive Fear Or Inhibition Results In A Scaredy Cat 

There are a few cats that have an excessive fear or inhibition around people. If you show patience and love the cat can grow out of the timid state. But do not rush this process, as you can make it worse and it can result in a cat behavior that is violent and bites or scratches. 

The majority of kittens are socialized as they grow up, by being held by a variety of different people who smell different and act different. If your kitten didn’t get this advantage, it may grow into a reserved and nervous adult cat. Give it time to come out, then reward “showing up” with a food treat it likes. You will be able to coax it out with a trail of food leading to its bowl, moving the bowl a bit each day. Talk tenderly to it, letting it warm up slowly. While your cat may never be fully socialized and welcome contact with others, it can still be a nice family pet. 

Anxious And Apprehensive Cats 

You will find that there are a few cats that feel a lot of stress and anxiety. This stress can lead to additional cat behavior problems, like depression or litter box avoidance. If these symptoms (of stress and anxiety) become visible unexpectedly, first make sure the cat’s heath is ok with the vet. If your cats health is ok, then you would want to look at the cat’s environment could be contributing to the stress level.


Monday, October 06, 2008

What Is Feliway?

While Feliway Spray sounds like a product to get rid of cats, it is truthfully a pheromone scent intended to stop felines from inappropriate unrination. When your cat decides to elminiate outside the litter area, you do have a issue, since cat pee is one of the most smelly pet smells. Feliway uses the facial pheromones to stop litter box malfunctions, but also Feliway has a wonderful calmative effect for relaxing anxious cats.

How Does Feliway for Cats Work?

Feliway Spray is is constructed from the cat facial Pheromones augmented by an ethanol compound. These very same facial pheromones are used in a constant manner by all cats by means of demonstrate their territory. Other felines in the area can sense these pheromones from a distance and learn of claimed areas. Felines prefer not to spray to mark territory when it's already been marked, so this will reduce inappropriate urination. Felines place these pheromones onto objects by rubbing their cheek or foot pads against certain areas. If you've ever had your little friend rub their chin against you, now you know exactly what was really happening. When people say their moggies own them, that's exactly the case. Feliway in a nutshell duplicates this effect.

What Will Feliway Fix?

  • Peeing not in the litter box
  • Spray marking of territory by non-spayed/neutered pets
  • Helps calm those who are stressed out
  • Can stop incessant spats
  • Helping bring in cats to new places

The ordinary view by pleased users on the net are that it's a great product. Keep in mind however that these issues can result from external factors, so you know that Feliway for cats isn't necessarily an end-all though it will eliminate the symptoms. Felines can behave like aliens sometimes that we sometimes don't grasp how to accept, but it's a risk-free bet that Feliway will help.

Feliway Comfort Zone Plug-in

A Feliway plug ins are a easiest means to get a continuous cycle of cat pheromones into the airstream and surrounding areas of your house.  The Feliway plug is intended to, as is obvious, diffuse into your household the Feliway for cats.  Plug in the Feliway plug ins to the wall sockets to assist to atomization of calming influence for your stressed out felines and they will once again be chilled Cats.

Your Feliway plug ins will be part of a large array of aids for many common pet ailments relating to cat stress.To be sure, Feliway is a synthetic feline facial pheromone that eases and calms unhappy kitties.  Places where your little ones sense this scent are recognized as peaceful and familiar, sort of like heading to their safe place in the vicinity of the diffuser.  Feliway plug ins can be used for eliminating inappropriate urination, relaxing pets during trips or acclimatization to unusual locations, when new cats to each other in a multi-cat household, and typically reducing conflict that we typically encounter when so many cats are in not enough proximity.  It should be noted that this will definitely contribute to a lessening in the stress level of people who may be cohabitating with said cats, too.

While you want to employ the Feliway plug ins spray on specific, individual locations where your pet has urinated (not, of course, the litter box!), the Feliway diffuser is used to provide area coverage for a more general sense of calming and relaxation.  The Feliway diffuser goes into the outlet, and you install a vial of the Feliway spray.  This works exactly the same as plug in air fresheners, except you don't smell it.  By the way, using a spray that isn't the intended will undoubtedly cause problems with the diffuser, as it is intended to work with Feliway spray only and not others.

Used to fight urination or spraying problems, the Feliway electric diffuser needs to go in the rooms where the urination issue has taken place, and a thorough cleaning of the location taken care of.  Remember, cats can smell traces of their urine well after it is gone from your attention, and you want the Feliway diffuser to prevent that.

For mood issues and appetite issues, you need to position a Feliway diffuser in the location that cats are usually in.  It needs to be placed in an unobstructed area so the spray can sufficiently diffuse, so be sure not to put it behind furniture or curtains.  It needs to go out in the open.  A Feliway diffuser can blanket a section of up to 650 square feet.

For difficulties with cat integration or aggresion problems in a multi-cat household, you may need to using several Feliway diffusers and place them in disparate areas where the cats often hang out.  It is not required to blanket the complete house with the Feliway diffusers, though definitely the common areas and any rooms where particularly stressed ones usually remain should be covered so as to receive the utmost help, with a Feliway plug ins each section.

Another issue to be careful of with the Feliway Comfort Zone Plug-in is that they tend to heat up in the area of the actual diffuser. Feliway Comfort Zone Plug-in device is designed such that it's surface is warmed to encourage the spray to evaporate into the air.  Keep it away from the furniture and curtains or draperies, or your moggies happiness may be the littlest of your worries.  It's always good to be prudent with your Feliway Comfort Zone Plug-in and your household.

Sunday, October 05, 2008

Cat Health Awareness and Cat Health Care

You may be the proud owner of a lovely pet cat. In such case you would consider caring for the cat and looking after its health to be your responsibility. It is important for you to provide little time and extend a bit of effort on your part to ensure that your pet cat stays healthy, fit and fine. You may, if you wish, get hold of some good pet cat care books that are available in local bookstores for reference. You can get some useful cat care tips from there.


Awareness about cat health needs to be made beforehand if you are planning to get a pet cat. This does not require much learning though. A bit of learning about the normal habits, behavior and temperament of a cat is what is required of you. This will enable you to detect when there is any sudden change in habits of the cat so as to take care of it. Behavioral changes, changes in eating and sleeping habits etc. need to be taken note of to decide whether some health problem has arisen. Usually it is the vet who takes the final decision about health concerns of the pet cat though you can provide preliminary attendance.


Problems with cat’s health are quite common and cat owners can appropriately control such problems by gaining knowledge about cat health. This can go a long way to ensure that your pet cat stays healthy and playful. Isn’t it a rewarding experience to cuddle and have fun with a healthy pet cat?


Taking the pet cat to the veterinary specialist on a regular basis is of crucial importance. The vet needs to conduct checkups on a yearly or half yearly basis even if apparently no problems are there. Only then can you remain sure that the health condition of your loved feline pet is sound. At other times during the year if it comes to notice that there has been the development of behavior or mood changes in your cat then the vet needs to be approached at the earliest possible.


Common problems that cats usually develop are lumps, ticks, black specs in the ears, eye gunk or rashes. These can generally be detected pretty easily and upon detection of these problems the vet is to be immediately consulted. Medical attention can thus be provided quickly, remedial action measures adopted and relief from the problem obtained soon.


Grooming of the pet cat frequently is an important health endowing measure. A lot of dead hair gets removed in the process. Getting hold of the special combs available that can help extract ticks and fleas from the fur of the cat provides further help. A trim of the claws of the pet cat may be needed to from time to time to promote cat health. It must be noted, however, that the nails of the cat are not cut too short.